Information about free, easy to use, other options is available from the Alternatives to EndNote tab. It may be quicker to create the references manually.
Where a relatively small number of references are required for a single assignment, the use of EndNote may not save time, as all data will need to be entered into EndNote and checked. More information about our library workshops and registrations can be found in the Library HDR Training Program webpage.EndNote is most useful for researchers and postgraduate students who are collecting, storing, using and re-using a large number of references over an extended period of time to write journal articles, theses or books.ĮndNote can save time and stress when used as a tool to manage references but a considerable amount of time is required to learn how to use the many features of the software.
EndNote advanced: Learn to use advanced features of EndNote such as how to edit a referencing style, merge Word documents containing EndNote references and recover a damaged library. EndNote introductory: Learn the basics to get started using EndNote to store your references, attach full texts, organise your references into groups and cite in Word. The EndNote iPad app is available free of charge from App Storeĭeakin University Library runs two EndNote workshops:. Your personal computers: download the latest version of EndNote for free from the Deakin Software Library. Deakin computers: install EndNote from Software Centre (Windows) or Self Service (Mac). Do you have feedback for us? Get in touch via email - or upgrade EndNote. We recommend the Deakin Guide to Referencing as the first port of call. Whether you select EndNote or another referencing tool understanding the principles of referencing is essential for making the most of such tools. less than 20) of different sources you might want to consider something like Microsoft Word’s in-built referencing tool.
If you are needing to cite a handful (e.g.
EndNote is a sophisticated bibliographic management software tool for researchers creating an extensive library of sources and citing the sources in publications and theses.